Products - AC/DC (PFC) / DC/DC
Products - Motor drive
Products - HMI / MMI
Products - General
Design considerations
- Heat pumps can either use a single unit design or split (Outdoor / Indoor) design and range from 2 kW to 20 kW, with typical modern insulated buildings requiring less than 6 kW.
- Depending on heating level, various voltage and power requirements are needed for the compressor, circulator pump and fan
- Drive is towards more efficient PFC topologies, with new Vienna rectifier / totem pole topologies preferred
- IGBTs and new wide-bandgap technologies provide the efficiencies required
MOSFET and GaN FET Handbook
Drawing on over 20 years’ of experience, the MOSFET and GaN FET Application Handbook: A Power Design Engineer’s Guide brings together a comprehensive set of learning and reference materials relating to the use of MOSFETs and GaN FETs in real world systems.

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